Monday, March 30, 2015

The Friday

Northern Regional Network Meeting Feedback:  Term 1, 2015

Grade 3, 4, 5 & 6

Broadening understanding of formative practice in mathematics

Constructing Learning Intentions and aligning Success Criteria in mathematics

Using ICT to elicit evidence of student learning
Valuable as I had little understanding of formative assessment concepts because I’ve worked in small groups on different types of learning intentions
A better understanding of how to include the universal, global and specific learning intentions in my maths planning. We looked at our own planning in maths and adapted changed to allow for the various types of learning intentions
Engaging and informative because we engaged in ‘rich’ discussion with others about how ICT can be incorporated into Religion (or other KLA’s)
Good for some clarification of what FA is and isn’t. it confirmed things I already do and gave tips for moving forward
How to embed lifelong LIs into a unit plan. This is important to be able to refer back to repeatedly
Good in that I learned of some new apps I was not aware. It will help me to use more ICT and more effectively in class
Informative because it clarified and went back over important points about FA
Valuable learning through conversations with partners and Eos to clarify understandings of universal, global etc
Excellent and very practical. Even better to be working with planning partners as this made it more relevant
A good refresher on FA was good having more of a look at universal Li etc
Really valuable because we spent time relating what we had been doing to our own planning
Useful because I got some different ideas on how I could integrate ICT into my RE planning
I found this session to be helpful because it clarified FA for me and helped me focus
Beneficial, it helped me to filter my learning intentions from broad to specific. A good tool to keep you on track
Helpful and scary because it will allow me to more accurately (by using the apps) fairly assess student knowledge in RE
Revisiting the real meaning of formative assessment was helpful. Have done it before but good to revisit/remind!
To really focus on a quality learning intention and to use the documents eg: curriculum docs as resources and it all flows  J
Go good to know that (most) staff will have had this valuable exposure to SAMR and had a go and tweaking current planning to include transformative practice! Thank you!
Helpful in further clarifying what FA is and is not because of the discussion and reading material done and given
Huge because I find using this complex planning challenging and overwhelming
Very interesting, overwhelming as usual but the idea to use the 4 apps or ideas on page 4 as a target of use might be a good starting point
Partially beneficial, use universal goals more. Having Bobbi-Jo’s insight was the highlight. A few key things she emphasised will be my lasting impression in this area EG: universal goal/problem solving …
Interesting and useful
Very beneficial because we got to work in our teams
A good refresher. I’ve already been using these practices over the last 4 years (was trained to in the UK)
Gaining clarity on universal learning intentions because I haven’t used them in previous schools
Very helpful because lots of useful information and practical ideas t use in my planning
Good because able to reflect on understanding of FA and know I’m travelling along ok. Good to revisit how to unite learning intentions
Ok! I broadened my understanding of universal learning intentions. I didn’t realise that it basically stays the same – despite grade/area you are working with
Beneficial because it was very practical and there was time to work with partner teachers to refine planning / build ICT into tasks

It consolidated ideas of misconceptions of formative assessment making me reflect on my practice
Challenging because it make me think about the why with my learning intentions and think about where I get this information from
Practical because it suggested good apps to implement in the classroom to support RE
Illuminating because it conferment some misconceptions
Planning sequency because linked intentions from universal to specific
Great, logs of good ideas, creative juices flowed!!!
Thought provoking because I now have a deeper understanding of universal LIs
Challenged (in a good way) because I grappled with aligning LI but allowing them to still overlap where appropriate
Very worthwhile because I love being able to work with my own planning to make improvements
Valuable and affirming because we had opportunity to explore and discuss our understanding of formative assessment
Interesting, clarifying and challenging because we were challenged to think broadly and reflect on our planning with our philosophy and overarching goals in mind
Informative and practical because it gave clear examples of how to actively integrate ICT into all learning areas
A good refresher and motivator because I had forgotten some of the lingo and practices
Learning intentions need to be included in planning and very specific, specifics LIs relate back to global LIs because it guides teaching and learning
Useful, very relevant for the classroom because Gretchen provided examples, explained different apps and how they can be used.
I found writing the universal LI very meaningful and it provided me with another perspective
I found the process of drilling down from universal to very specific useful
Really helpful, I’ve come up with several new ideas

Simply enjoyed planning and sharing ideas, resources with another teacher
Informative because I got to speak to teachers that use these apps

Extremely helpful because I learned lots of tools and I learned more about how it works
Confronting because it showed me more effective ways of teaching. My planning will change again!
Extremely motivating because I learned new apps and ideas
Informative because it articulated the process that formative assessment is not an additive it is part of your teaching process that recognises your current student needs
Beneficial because it made me think about the specific learning intentions and the relationship to the global life skills from learning
Interesting because it reinforced and validated my strategies of enhancing RE learning
Good to have a rehash about formative assessment

Rehash of apps, must use
Consolidating because it revisited my previous knowledge and consolidated my learning
I need to think broader when I name it up to make the life long intention visible to others
Excellent because it enhances and engages the learner
Useful to refresh my memory and hear more about ideas for using it in my lessons
Full on! Lots to think about
Some excellent ideas shared for me to use in the classroom
This was a good reminder of the formative practices that we have discussed during previous meetings with some additional ideas
Being given the opportunity of listening to other teacher through the sharing of ideas and experiences
Very interesting to see many of the different ways that ICT can be used as an effective tool across all learning areas
Helpful to consolidate what I know because it gives me more confidence in the classroom
The importance of having 4 types of success criteria and 4 types of LI
Extremely helpful especially the padlet because they are new ideas
Fantastic because I used to think of learning intentions as not universal, global, unit, lessons. It has changed my thinking
To consider learning intentions at a universal, global, unit and lesion long level. I need to start from universal work in
Informative because I haven’t used apple anything for 7 years so today was good to just refresh and get new ideas

Reaffirming because formative assessment is naturally a part of how I teach but I need to name it up more.
✓✓ looking at various 5/6 LIs
Fantastic because Anna and I had the opportunity to break apart our maths planning and name up the obvious links. We can begin our planning breaking down the universal, global and specific LIs (clear links to our maths s+s)
Great because it reminded me of creative apps, strong links to my current studies
Affirming and I learnt some new tools to use in my class
The importance of backward planning, I tend to start my planning from the wrong end
Beneficial in learning about apps I can use in my RE planning
Sharing with other teachers whether it be on the internet or in person. It works!
Cool to see what we can use to enhance the kid’s learning
Helpful because it reinformed my notion of assessment and confirmed current practice
Very informative because of increased awareness of going from global to specific and need to explain this to children – also confirming
Very interesting because lots of new things learnt
Useful because I got some more tools to use for formative assessment in my class (and I was doing some already but not realising)
Beneficial because it made me think about explicitly stating the success criteria in my planning
Helpful and interesting and consolidating because it was good to get new ideas for how to incorporate ICT into my planning (particularly my RE)
Affirming and insightful because I unintentionally do a lot of this without labelling it as FA. I liked padlet too!
I found this really beneficial because I worked with my colleague teacher to ensure we were achieving the best outcomes for our class – ensured shared learning intention
Great! I liked it, found it engaging and really thought of practical ways to use ICT

The formative assessment talk was interesting
How important it is to listen and share ideas because your own understanding grows and develops from that
Fantastic because of the discussion generated about what could be used
Very good – visual because it was hands on and meaningful – inspiring etc. ICT brainstorm was good learning something new
Valuable because I learnt how to set out my planning to cater for all learning intentions
Fantastic because I felt confident to use some more ICT activities within the class to help meet the success criteria/learning intentions perhaps with others form other schools so ‘they’ become the ‘experts’ who can pass on knowledge/skills to the rest of the class

Northern Regional Network Meeting Feedback:  Term 1, 2015

Kinder/Prep and Grade 1 and 2

Exploring AEDC
and PIPS

Broadening understanding of formative practice in mathematics

Constructing Learning Intentions and aligning Success Criteria in mathematics

Using ICT to elicit evidence of student learning
The AEDC sounds interesting in terms of finding gaps to inform progress EG: sandpit for whole school, gross motor/socialisation.     PIPS – reassuring it’s not a reflection on teaching
Informative because I like the universal concept to be developed for whole school “belief Statement”
Interesting, good discussion about LI in kinder
Very informative, I learnt mew ways of eliciting evidence via apps suitable for kinder – YAH!
How versatile the AEDC is and how informative because it can be applied in a variety of ways to help the early years make a difference
A great revisit. I really liked the global goal as I was unsure about this area
Rewarding because it put the pieces together of how FA fits in kinder and how LI’s and success criteria can be linked to continuous provision
Great, very useful because it was applicable to the classroom
I learnt about things I didn’t know, I haven’t done either the AEDC or PIPs
Useful to clarify what formative assessment is because I heard others thoughts
To be specific in wording the outcomes and criteria because it makes the outcomes/criteria clearer
Very helpful because I learnt how to save YouTube clips and ideas for activities
Info was really interesting, I will get on website and have a look
Beneficial because it reinforced/reminded me of key points
Key planning because I will review/change planning templates for next term
Very engaging because lots of ideas

Will POPS ever evolve to suit our EYLF because no correlation b/n how children learn in kinder to PIPS

Useful because it helped us create intentions of a simple visual
Helpful and informative
The presentation about AEDC was interesting

Good, I had to think about how my global, specific and very specific outcomes fit into universal goals
Great, loved the examples of apps
It was interesting because it addressed misconceptions about PIPS. Will it change to fit with EYLF & Aus Curric
Informative yet reassuring!
Interesting and useful because it helped to highlight what I am doing well and what I need to work on
Very informative and exciting because great avenues for student learning in the future
That I’m glad we got the opportunity to explore our thoughts and feelings and that all leadership staff should do the same so we’re all on the same page
Re-affirming because what I’m doing is on the right track
Huge, made me re-think the learning intentions within my planning and the provocations used
Fantastic, I now have so many apps to try out. Imbedding ICT! YAY!
How PIPs correlates with my own formative assessment of the students. I am going
Clarifying, refreshing and reviewing for my understanding, it was good to review this understanding
Very, very valuable! I can use this, reflect on this and add this J
Absolutely fantastic, thank you Gretchen! Seeing the apps in use makes it so worthwhile and valuable
AEDC is new to me and I feel supported with PIPS, because others are in the same boat
A great refresher. I was able to tap into my knowledge and zone in
Fantastic!! I have ideas for practice and planning to use immediately
Inspirational! I got great ideas to use apps in prep context

Looking at the AEDC questions because I want to know what I should be looking for
Affirming, because I thought of these things already
The different levels of learning intentions, I hadn’t thought of these various levels before
Great! It was a good refresher of things that I haven’t been using a lot for awhile
Information on data from both helpful because it clarified understanding on how to interpret info
A good chance to refresh understanding because something we sometimes confuse
Consolidating how to write universal, specific learning intentions. Thought the visual cards were good
Interesting in regards to downloading YouTube clips
That I need to be using the data on lower achievers because it will help my planning more effective for these children
Interesting because the visual was good, gave me idea of structure
Very useful, I think this will really help my planning, just to plan a unit fore each strand, break into units and the specifics
Really user friendly for a computer ‘dinosaur’ because I felt I could cope (with some help)
Data is depressing in terms of low PSIs results indicating they do not catch up with NAPLAN results are released
Clarifying the myths of formative assessment because it debuffed some of my thoughts
The whole structure of a universal, global, specific and very specific structure aligned well with backward design
Informative and useful (practically) I was able to include more ICT learning activities into my RE planning
I need to read more about the AEDC and explore the website then I will answer the question accurately
Useful, I need to think on more global and universal terms then I will ensure I am teaching children for life
Good to see ways that play based leaning can still have specific learning intentions
Great! Good to see ways to integrate/use ICT into RE. it will enthuse the kids
I really need access to the 2014 PIPs data and also AUSpips for teachers. This is really important for planning learning outcomes for students who are struggling with English.
Fantastic – really clarified formative assessment, its about learning intentions, know, do, learn
Very helpful having the guiding template because I knew where to place intentions etc
Excellent so many great ideas to use, I am a bit tech unsavy

I need to get my hands on the PIPs data, particularly with the AUSpips ideas, because I have kids who are very low with phonics
Good at showing the difference between the specific/broad LI’s because these align with success criteria which is how we see what kids know
WALT because WILF would have been more helpful to do this with the new planning
Informative, not just about apps but how to use in planning
This was a very worthwhile session. It would have been good for SLN coordinators to have a further session on the AEDC because if the AEDC data is a predictor of performance, interventions and strategies need to be put in place ASAP
Useful, it was good to redefine formative assessment by doing the reading. It was very helpful to do the activity on global, specific and very specific learning intentions
Clarifying global, specific and very specific learning intentions
Informative because I found out about a few new apps and ideas to use apps we have more creatively
Interesting facts about AEDC, going back to look at my year is PIPs data, look at what progress they’ve made etc
Enjoyed the padlet activity, gathering everyone’s thoughts/ideas on formative assessment, realised I was on the right track
Helpful to have planning templates to use to guide us, I found it tricky to pull out the learning intentions from my planning and clarify
Great to discuss with other teachers planning/using ICT to transform learning. Helpful ideas/apps provided by Gretchen J
I should look more closely at last years PIPs data because there are possibly students who require more individual help

How to construct universal learning intentions
Very useful! ICT is something that I have missed quite a bit of during maternity leave

A good refresher of formative assessment as it applies to mathematics
A good way to realign my thinking when planning for mathematics
Useful because I don’t often have the chance to sit down and collaborate with RE planning and to put the ICT lens over it was great J
That it would be beneficial to have more time on this with the prep teachers of 2014 to help with planning etc, to help with children success/progress
Interesting with the different levels of learning intentions. It was good to see and hear practical examples of this. I am trying to use this more in my practice
It was great to do this with a partner and support from EO’s. Having this time and linking it to real planning, that we are doing is great and really is going to help me in my further planning
Interesting to see just how many areas there are that ICT can be integrated into any lesson. It is beneficial because it made me realise I may be asking some students to write too much where this would gage their understanding more effectively
We need to have further discussion with 2014 Prep teachers so we can support our Grade 1 children better
Confirmed my understanding about making connections throughout the year to units that we teacher are ongoing and year/lifelong
Global: To use the EYLF to embed in our planning
Beneficial as always J Gretchen explained how we can simply use ICT to elicit evidence incorporating the SAMR model
About exploring our PIPs data in detail. I have ⅓ of my class struggling with reading/phonics
Interesting, informative and enjoyable because we heard ideas from others
How to focus more on “what I’m looking for” in regards to the learning intention
Very helpful because I hadn’t seen some of the apps before. It was good to work with people from other schools
It is interesting to find out about the AEDC because it impacts on on the work we do in our classroom
Interactive and informative because we did lots of activities and talked about what formative assessment is
Effective because I was able to use what I learnt to write learning and success criteria for a maths unit
Really useful because it gave me ideas of how to use technology in my classroom

I thinking about certain students in my class and I’m thinking about how I could help this particular child to improve particularly in reading
Great for re-evaluating formative assessment strategies that I can use and also what I’m currently doing Also has prompted me to think about the big picture more
To be more conscious of universal goals and specific learning focuses
Really good, came away feeling not only good about what I currently do but with some good ideas for using ICT further
It is good to have a ‘refresher’ on the value of the PIPs data because we can easily forget how much information it can show
Terminology becoming more familiar and easier to use (you do this so well Leeann!)
Excellent session. Thanks Bobbi-Jo I need to do this again. It began to make sense – as I said I think I was looking for too much for the hidden treasure rather that keeping it simple
Interesting because of the many apps available to use
It is useful to learn about AEDC and the factors that may contribute to children being successful and not so successful
Useful – I enjoyed the discussion around unit long goals and revisiting these during the year
I found it helpful to explore universal and year long learning intentions as this is something I don’t often use, however I did not find the task very helpful as I felt I was just re-writing things I had already planned
Some of it was a refresher on information explored already – but this is still helpful. I enjoyed looking a the samples of work, how it can be used creatively
Sorry that we missed most of what Annie said in relation to this, but what I heard was quite interesting
Fantastic, really showed where my thinking is at and where it should be. Fabulous session, feel better about where to next!!!
Very informative, really making me think ‘big picture’ – new – confronting – challenging – but positive
Great AND user friendly – even I got it!! Was very useful to have been paired with Jono as it allowed it to maintain context

I need to look at PIPs data for a few select students. It will help me plan and construct activities and tasks to help a few select children
Reiterate the importance of embedding learning intentional/year long objections because skills need to be consolidated understanding over time
Enhanced by having an opportunity to give clarity to where my thinking needs to be because of the difference between a global and universal intention
Valuable in giving some great tools to enhance children’s learning of RE through using ICT as a multi faceted tool to elicit evidence of learning
AEDC interesting. Wondering what role schools are expected to play in making changes to outcomes when the contact is so broad pre-school
I think maths is a clear well structured curriculum area (except that they have ditched pattern & algebra) to use/teach. It is harder to articulate learning
Good to work with a partner and share ideas. Learning intentions give clarity to teaching and learning
Good – showed clearly SAMR model. Good examples of ICT as assessment tool in RE
This session was FAB! Very informative as I love looking at data, especially liked learning about AEDC – this area has always been of great interest to me
Great. Practical for the backwards planning design and generating universal concepts that everything else stems from. Loved the discussions
Greatly enhanced by Leanne’s analogies. I needed examples of knowledge/skills and understandings to decipher between them “crème brulee”
A great way to learn how to use ICTs in RE because it seems to create more relevance of tasks and more explicit evidence/documentation

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