Saturday, October 15, 2016

Crown of righteousness

A teaching colleague died recently after a lengthy illness. During his Requiem, his sister read from Paul’s letter to Timothy (4:6 – 8):

My life is already being poured away as a libation, and the time has come for me to be gone. I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith; all there is to come now is the crown of righteousness reserved for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that Day; and not only to me but all those who have longed for his Appearing.

The reading was apt, for it expressed so clearly, so consummately, the person of faith he was. I asked myself if these words could be said about me as a summary of my life. I decided I had some way to go. There is much I have yet to learn, to commit my life to, not least of which is to avoid exalting myself before my God and others of the gifts I have been given, and the good I do for others. ‘The man who humbles himself will be exalted,’ writes Luke (18:14). I must learn humility. I must learn to be ‘at right’ with those with whom I work, those in my family and those with whom I worship.

How will you be eulogised? What will be said of you? Will you be acknowledged as a loving spouse and parent? a kind and compassionate friend? a steadfast workmate? a courageous advocate of social justice? a person of integrity and faith? Will the person they describe be the person you were in life or an idealised version of the same you? If you want to make a difference in the world, what are you waiting for? If you want to be a better parent or human being, what is stopping you from doing so today?

There is no magic wand that will change me or you, unless I take control of who I am and what I want to be. A person of prayer? of fidelity? of love? I already possess the potential, what I next need to do is gather the will to make it happen. So, make it happen today.

Peter Douglas

Simon Cobiac's and Matt Kean's principal appointments

The Director advised TCEO and school staffs on Friday:

We wish to congratulate Simon Cobiac on his appointment as Principal of Blackfriars Priory School in Adelaide commencing in January 2017. Simon has given great service to St Patrick's College over many years, and indeed on a wider scale to Catholic Education Tasmania. We have enjoyed the friendships forged and have benefited very much from Simon's professional expertise across many areas.

We also wish to congratulate Matt Kean on his appointment to his first principalship. He has been appointed Principal of Holy Spirit School, Lavington, located in Albury, NSW. Matt has been a significant contributor to Catholic education in Tasmania in his roles as  AP L&T and more recently as an Education Officer within the Catholic Education Office.

We extend to Simon, Matt and their families our prayers and best wishes as they enter the next stage of their professional careers. There will be of course a number of opportunities to farewell both Simon and Matt before the end of the 2016 academic year.

 Moon by Billy Collins

The moon is full tonight
an illustration for sheet music,
an image in Matthew Arnold
glimmering on the English Channel,
or a ghost over a smoldering battlefield
in one of the history plays.

It's as full as it was
in that poem by Coleridge
where he carries his year-old son
into the orchard behind the cottage
and turns the baby's face to the sky
to see for the first time
the earth's bright companion,
something amazing to make his crying seem small.

And if you wanted to follow this example,
tonight would be the night
to carry some tiny creature outside
and introduce him to the moon.

And if your house has no child,
you can always gather into your arms
the sleeping infant of yourself,
as I have done tonight,
and carry him outdoors,
all limp in his tattered blanket,
making sure to steady his lolling head
with the palm of your hand.

And while the wind ruffles the pear trees
in the corner of the orchard
and dark roses wave against a stone wall,
you can turn him on your shoulder
and walk in circles on the lawn
drunk with the light.
You can lift him up into the sky,
your eyes nearly as wide as his,
as the moon climbs high into the night.

~ Billy Collins ~

New poster of Mary MacKillop and Julian

Laminated prints are available from MacKillop Place Gift Shop North Sydney - 02 8912 4894 or

Peter's Whereabouts for the next two weeks:

Upcoming Events:

From St Joseph's - Queenstown:

From St Patrick's - Latrobe:




From Sacred Heart - Ulverstone:


From Stella Maris - Burnie:


From St Patrick's - Prospect:


From Larmenier - St Leonards:



From St Anthony's - Riverside:


From Our Lady of Mercy - Deloraine:



From St Brendan Shaw College - Devonport:


From Sacred Heart - Launceston:



From St Peter Chanel - Smithton:

From Marist Regional College - Burnie:



From St Thomas More's - Newstead:


From St Finn Barr's - Invermay:

From Star of the Sea - George Town:

From St Joseph's - Rosebery:


From Our Lady of Lourdes - Devonport:


 A happy Kidpreneur customer


From St Brigid's - Wynyard:







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